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14 Famous Celebrity Quotes

1. "A lot of people are singing about how screwed up the world is, and I don't think that everybody wants to hear about that all the time." - Mariah Carey

2. "I don't understand the whole dating thing. I know right off the bat if I'm interested in someone, and I don't want them to waste their money on me and take me out to eat if I know I'm not interested in that person." - Britney Spears

3. "I know that I could really kill for my daughter. I know because I'm living for her, so I'm fierce when it comes down to it. And I feel the same about my husband and my family. I'm just fiercely protective. It's like, that's my lair and nobody messes with my lair." - Whitney Houston

4. "Mom always tells me to celebrate everyone's uniqueness. I like the way that sounds." - Hilary Duff

5. "My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. But I don't think I would have been very happy. I'd be in front of the jury singing." - Jennifer Lopez

6. "If I stopped making records or performing, I'd probably still be famous for a while being me. But I'd rather have something to show for myself."- Kylie Minogue

7. "I rejected some gorgeous publicity shots because they just didn't look like me. I won't wear skanky clothes that show off my booty, my belly or boobs. I have a great body. I could be Britney. I could be better than Britney." - Avril Lavigne

8. "I'm not really religious but very spiritual. I give money to this company that manufactures hearing aids on a regular basis. More

people should really hear me sing. I have a gift from God." - Christina Aguilera

9. "I hate record labels. They think they know everything. I want to hear them try to sing it." - Jessica Simpson

10. "You know, songs often have a very coloured past. They might have something about them but it still doesn't work, so someone else adds a bit, and someone else adds a bit so perhaps one day I'll know its full history." - Kylie Minogue

11. "If critics have problems with my personal life, it's their problem. Anybody with half a brain would realize that it's the charts that count." - Mariah Carey

12. "I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated." - Avril Lavigne

13. "People equate sexy with promiscuous. They think that because I'm shaped this way, I must be scandalous - like running around and bringing men into my hotel room. But it's just the opposite." - Jennifer Lopez

14. "I am happy being able to play roles with people my age because once you do something really mature there is no turning back" - Lindsay Lohan

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