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Christian Fair

Place and community

Christian Fair is celebrated in Sardhana in Uttar Pradesh.


Christian Fair is celebrated every year on the first Sunday of November.

About the Church

The Sardhana Church built by the Begum is the one of the largest church in North India. It is built on Italian architecture by Antonio Reghellini. It is a combination of St Peter's in Rome with a touch of Palladio for Reghellini a native of Vicenza, and has Indian influence as well. The main altar and its surrounding area is built on the same stones like that of the Taj Mahal. The interiors are also beautiful and much of it is built on marble.

It is illuminated from an octagon set in the dome, from which the sun rays peep in. When in Sardhana, you should not miss he most remarkable structure of the Begam herself. It was built by Tadolini by Carrera marble under the initiative of Begum’s adopted heir.

It is a pilgrimage place for people of all religions and especially during the fair many people visit the area to be a part of the carnival. The pilgrims contribute a lot to maintain the basilica. Many programs and services are run by Meerut Dioscese in Sardhana.


Situated 20 kms from Meerut town, it is home to the famous Catholic Church built in the year 1822 by Begum Samru. Sarkat, a Raja founded this place and it remained under the control of his descendants till the Muslim invasion. The Jagir of Sardhana was given to Walter Reinhardt in 1778. Unfortunaely, he died the same year and the property was passed on to the hands of his widow Begum Samru.

Bagum Samru who started her career as a nautch girl had nicknames of Zebunissa, Farzana and Joanna. She was also called Begum Sonmbre. She later on played an important role in the politics and power struggle in 18th and 19th century India. After her marriage with Walter Reinhardt, she became the head of a professionally trained mercenary army.

On the first Sunday of every November, a large feast is organized in honor of Mother Mary. A large number of devotees visit Sardhana to see the exquisite shrine and the beautiful palaces built in Italian style around the Catholic Church built by Begum Samru. It’s a carnival where you can see large gatherings of people and have loads of food, fun and frolic.

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