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Ganga Dussehra

Ganga Dussehra - All Sins Washed Away

Ganga is observed as Divine River in not only India but it is also among the most sacred rivers of the world. This truth is universal and believed by all Indians and also by famous scholars of the world. River Ganga is known as the divine river of the country as similar as Sanskrit is observed as the divine language or the language of God. It is worshipped like a Goddess and believed that it was the tenth day of Jyeshta bright half when she was descended on earth from heaven. The day is Ganga Dussehra, which is also the day when ages long hard work and penance of Bhagirath, a Suryavanshi king, got successful and fruitful in the form of river Ganga. It was he only whose hard penance was responsible for bringing river Ganga on earth that made a ruined and dry waste region developed into green and fertile and brought back life to earth. Since then every year, the occasion of Ganga Dussehra is celebrated by performing several rites and rituals of Ganga pooja to commemorate her.

When river Ganga incarnated on earth that occasion was obliged with rare ten vedic astrologic calculations. Jyeshtha month, Shukla Paksha (bright half), Tenth date, Wednesday, Hasta Nakshatra, Vyatipata yoga, Gar Anand Yog and Moon in Virgo and Sun in Tauras, these all ten Yogas absorb all the ten sins by merely take a bath in river Ganga on Ganga Dussehra.
Those all ten sins in which among three are organic, four verbal and other three are mental are proclaimed. Organic means sins conducted by heavenly body and these are, 1. Fetch anything from others forcibly, 2. Violence, 3. Contact with other woman. Among four types of verbal sins are, 1. Speak harsh words, 2. Tell a lie, 3. Complain for others and 4. Irrelevant rambling are included. To occupy other’s assets, desire to harm others and discussions on irrelevant topics are considered as the top most mental sins. As far as possible one should avoid involving in all these activities as these are considered as the biggest sins in our mythology but still if occur mistakenly then can demolish by just take a holy dip and perform pooja in Ganga on Ganga Dussehra.

It is inevitable to take bath in Ganga if possible on the Ganga Dussehra else in some other river or reservoir or with pure water at home as per the convenience. After that should do recital pooja in front of idol of Ganga. The idol of Ganga is considered as Trinetr, quadrilateral, adorned with white clothes and white lotus. King Bhagirath and Himalaya should also be worshipped which is highly recommended during Ganga pooja. Lord Shiva is the prime deity to be worship during the Ganga Pooja as he is sole owner and holder of river Ganga and by grace of his mercy only sent the river on earth for the welfare of mankind. The donation of ten eatable items mainly fruits and black sesame seeds are considered most auspicious.

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