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Geeta Jayanti Samaroh

Geeta Jayanti Festival as the name suggests is a unique and exceptional festival dedicated to the birth of Srimad Bhagvad Gita, the holy book of Hindus. The festival is celebrated mainly in Kurukshetra, Haryana. The festival is very sacred to Hindus and is celebrated with immense devotion and dedication.

Not only has the Festival remained sacred so does the place associated with it. Kurukshetra is inseparable when one talks about the Indian culture and Hindu mythology. Indeed Kurukshetra is believed to be the land where the essence of real Hinduism found place.

It is in this same land that the famous sage Manu wrote the Manusmriti. Not only that, but the Rig Veda and the Sama Veda were also composed here. The land was visited by divine personalities like Lord Krishna, Gautama Buddha and some eminent Sikh Gurus.
Srimad Bhagwad Gita has since its inception been the philosophical guide and spiritual teacher for Hindus. In Gita, Lord Krishna has taught numerous lessons to Arjuna, one of the Pandavas which are considered to be ideal means of living one’s life. One of the most famous teachings of Gita followed since ages is “Karma Kar Phal ki asha mat kar”, which means that one should selflessly perform one’s duties and karma, not worrying about the outcome. Gita according to the Hindu Mythology provides solution for every problem that a man faces in his life.

During the Geeta Jayanti Samaroh devotees and pilgrims from all over India gather here in Kurukshetra to take part in this sacred festival. A normal ritual observed to be followed by everyone is to take bath in holy water of the sacred tanks - Sannihit Sarovar and Brahma Sarovar. The whole environment becomes divine and spiritual with numerous activities being organized.

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