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Good Friday

Good Friday is the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Jesus Christ was born to Marry in Nezareth – a small town in Israel. He was the founder of Christianity, one of the world’s largest religions. Christ is believed to be an incarnation of God and his teachings are described in the New Testament.

It is believed that on Good Friday, Christ was arrested by clergymen. Hence, Good Friday is believed to be the time when Christians keep fast and celebrate the day over the birth of Christ.

Some people believe that ‘Good’ in GOOD FRIDAY is referred to as ‘GOD’ and it is also a common belief that ‘GOOD’ is referred to the gift brought by martyrdom. And according to one of the views, on this day, it is Jesus who went to heaven. It is also celebrated as a festival of life and spirit. Some believe the term "Good" evolved from "God" or God's Friday.

Good Friday: History
Jesus Christ was born to the lady known as Marry in small town called Nezareth in Israel. He is also considered to be the Son of God – as it is believed that he had certain kind of spark or glow on his face at the time of his birth.

But many priests including Judas and Jewish community found him guilty as they thought that his teachings according to them are spreading revolutionary changes and riots in their town amongst people.

Moreover, they built a conspiracy / plot against him in which they planned to hatch Christ. After plotting against him, they started putting up charges against him for motivating people not to pay taxes to their King and by claiming these charges in front of the Governor they arrested him and on the next day he was produced in front of the Roman Governor to prove his innocence.

But as the luck was on his side, Roman Governor didn’t found anything wrong in his teachings and gave him a clean chit. But these people (communities) tried their hard luck and finally proved that his teachings were wrong and motivating crime and were bringing revolutionary changes in the society. Eventually, Christ was handed over to Jewish and Judas communities because they didn’t obeyed to any of the decisions given by the Roman Governor.

After Christ’s possession they took him for crucifixion. He was brutally killed by his opponents as they made him wear crown of thorns and on the huge wooden cross he was hanged and was addressed by the crowd as ‘King of Jews’ which were following him on his way to possession. With him there were two other criminals who died on the same day and led to the same place where he was led.

After three hours of nailing down and suffering he died at 3 o’clock. But before dying he prayed his last wish to God that; please God forgive the sinner’s who planned the conspiracy against me as they don’t know that by killing him what size of sin they have performed.

Hence, till today on Good Friday a cross is unveiled in churches world over and Christians keep fast on Easter and begin the rituals for Good Friday on this very day!!

Good Friday: Celebrations
The Good Friday celebration starts by kissing a plank of wood depicted on the cross of Christ. After this ritual people perform other practice which starts from 3 o’clock where narratives read out four gospels from the holy book and latter on general communion service is performed at midnight after which a burial takes place.

On Good Friday particularly, the bells of the church remains silent (which rather on other days doesn’t) because this day is marked as a SAD DAY for Christians.

People follow the example of Jesus Christ and keep fast on this day as according to one story – Christ fasted in desert to overcome the Evil One for forty days before the beginning of His teachings.

However, this period of forty days is popularly known as ‘Ash Wednesday’. This ends on ‘Lent’ also known as ‘Good Friday’ following the other day i.e. Easter Sunday.

Many people even today perform a three-hour service on Friday in remembrance of the death of Christ in which one service includes seven distinct elements stating seven utterances of Christ when he was hanged on cross.

This incident is famously depicted in the small town near Goa (in India) called Panjim which celebrates Good Friday in large spirit. Many people gather there to take part in the celebrations which is held in full bloom in the churches.

Famous Mass held in Konkani (a village in Goa) is attended by large numbers of people and is considered to be the attraction of Christian community throughout India and abroad. People visit the church dressed in all good clothes and accessories to pay homage to Christ.

Good Friday: Ceremony
Ceremonial worship of the holiday follows closely to the events described in the scriptures. Some congregations still hold a three-hour service on Friday representing the three hours He was hanged on the cross. A typical service includes seven distinct elements representative of Christ's seven utterances while on the cross.

A popular ceremony takes place on Good Friday which is popularly known as ‘the Way of The Cross’. The ritual is performed by the clergymen along with the crowd following and carrying a large wooden cross-representing the cross on which Jesus was hanged and nailed down to death

Good Friday’s Message – The message of Good Friday is that evil can never be conquered by evil, but only by goodness, violence by non-violence, hatred by love for the enemy.

Teachings of Jesus
Jesus Christ’s teachings are highly revered by people of all communities. Christ has taught people how to live godly lives. As he traveled around Israel, Jesus taught with sermons and parables (a short story with a spiritual meaning).

Jesus delivered his most famous sermon on a mountain. In it, Jesus taught his listeners to:

• Love your enemies.
• Do not judge others.
• Trust God.
• Don't be anxious about tomorrow.
• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (The "golden rule").

A popular parable of Jesus is about two builders. One was wise, and the other was foolish. The Wise man built his house upon a rock; the foolish built his house on sand. When a storm came, the wise man's house stood, but the foolish man's house fell.

The significance of the story is that whoever obeys Jesus is like the wise man. Whoever disobeys his words is like the foolish man. Jesus taught with many parables. Some were easy to understand, and some were difficult.

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