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Vasant Panchami / Shree Panchami / Saraswati Puja


Hinduism is a way of life rather than a religion. The people practicing Hinduism have firm faith on Gods and Goddesses whom they worshiped on various occasions by performing Puja and rituals. Vasant Panchami is a festival that worships Goddess Saraswati as well as it signifies the beginning of Vasant Ritu (spring season).

Magh Sud 5 (5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magh – falls usually in the month of January or February) is the day of Vasant Panchami and is also celebrated as Shree Panchami or Saraswati Puja in West Bengal and few other parts of Orissa.

On this day Goddess Saraswati is worshipped in various names and fames - the Goddess of Learning, the deity of Gayatri, the fountain of fine arts and science, and the symbol of supreme vedantic knowledge.

The image of Goddess Saraswati depicts her sitting on a vehicle that symbolizes her supreme power. The white swan of Saraswati symbolizes Satwa Guna (purity and discrimination), the lotus of Lakshmi the Rajas Guna and the tiger of Durga the Tamas Guna. Saraswati is shown possessing four hands and plays "Veena", an Indian string musical instrument.

Vasant Panchami or Saraswati Puja is celebrated with great enthusiasm and Hindu temples and households are full of activity on this day. This is also a special day for school children as they observe it with great reverence.


In the Vedas, Saraswati was a water deity and was revered for purifying, fertilizing and enriching powers. The next stage in Saraswati's mythological history was her identification with the holy rituals performed on the banks of river Saraswati. She is said to have invented Sanskrit, known as the mother of all languages, of scriptures and scholarship. It is also believed that it was her who discovered soma or amrita.

According to the Matsya Purana, Saraswati evolved from the mouth of Brahma. Such was her beauty and grace that Brahma pursued her. As she fled in different directions a head appeared and so Brahma is attributed with five heads. She was the most unique creation of Brahma. The moon and the lotus associated with Saraswati are both symbols of eternal womanhood.

Some of the many mythological stories connected with Saraswati have interesting sociological interpretations. The gods and the demons by the mutual agreement decided to churn the ocean for the Amrit or the elixir of life. Mainak Mountain was used as the churning rod and Basuki – a python, as the churning rope. When Lakshmi appeared with the Amrit kumbha both wanted the elixir. Saraswati with her exquisite beauty lured away the asuras or the demons. As the gods were drinking the Amrit, Rahu and Ketu, two asuras saw them and slipped with the Gods. As they drank the Amrit which would make them immoral like the gods, Vishnu detected them. He immediately cut off their heads. The two enraged asuras, swallowed the sun and moon but could not retain them as their throats where cut. This led to the origin of solar and lunar eclipse. Saraswati, who was instrumental in helping the Gods to be immortal, was established in the heaven as the Goddess Saraswati.

The Gods and the Gandharvas both wanted the Soma Ras. It was again Saraswati who with her beauty and grace lured and so exhausted the Gandharvas that they could not acquire the Soma Ras which naturally went to the gods.

The Aryans fought with the non - Aryan Comi tribe (tribal dominance among the Aryans) like Nished, Sabar and Pulindar on the banks of the river Saraswati. At the request of Vishnu, Saraswati disappeared underground and again reappeared in far of Rajasthan. The tribals were thus deprived of the life - saving water. They were forced to abandon the area. In both cases we see the important of the river Saraswati in Aryan life and how Saraswati was used to deprive the weak of water, without which life is impossible. Saraswati is known as Prithudhar (subjugator of the Aryans).

Vashishtha and Vishwamitra, the two sages, were both violently opposed to each other. Viswamitra ordered the river Saraswati to wash away Vashishtha along with all he possessed. Saraswati refused to comply with his command. To punish Saraswati, he turned the water of the river to blood. At the behest of Shiva, the two sages became amicable and once again there was pure water in the river of Saraswati.

In some areas she is believed to be the daughter of the Sun or Surya Kanya. In Western India, Saraswati is seen with the lion or peacock. She is married to Kartikeya. This is really the sun cult.

In Eastern India, particularly Orissa and Bengal, Saraswati has been absorbed into their culture. She has been given the mantle of daughter of Parvati and is treated as a daughter. Vishnu had three wives - Saraswati, Ganga and Lakshmi.

History tells us that the Aryans came to India through the Khyber pass and settled in Punjab, Haryana and North Rajasthan. Saraswati was one of the seven holy rivers flowing through modern Punjab, Haryana and North Rajasthan. The mythological background of Saraswati shows the importance of the river Saraswati in the life of the Aryans settled along her river banks. Sociologically the River Saraswati was an important factor in ancient civilization. She is therefore a part of the fertility cult.

The Aryans who lived along the banks of the river were pastoral and rural. All early development took place on the river bank. Consequently Saraswati came to be venerated as a symbol of knowledge. It is evident that the upper strata of society used their superior knowledge and expertise to deprive the ignorant lower half of society.

The story of Kalidas has been built around Saraswati. There was a proud and learned princess who rejected all suitors who could not match to her knowledge. The pundits in anger planned to marry her off to a fool. They saw a man cutting the branch on which he was sitting and decided he was the ideal fool for the princess. Kalidas was presented to the princess as a man of wisdom who only spoke in signs. The pundits answered all the princess's question by interpreting Kalidas's signs.

The two were married but on the wedding night the princess realized she had been duped. She kicked Kalidas out of her bed. He in sorrow and shame went to commit suicide. The Goddess Saraswati appeared and asked him to take a dip in the river. As he emerged from the river Kalidas was transformed. He began to recite verses in praise of the Goddess. Unfortunately for him he began to praise her beauty not from her feet upwards but from her breasts downwards. Saraswati in anger cursed Kalidas for his audacity. He would die in an ignonimous place.


The festival of Vasant Panchami is celebrated on the 5th day of Krishna Paksh in the month of Magh.

This day is considered as Annbhuj Muhurth. On this day, marriages and auspicious ceremonies can be performed without reference to the Panchaang (auspicious Hindu calendar).

On this day, Saraswati Devi is worshipped. This day is of special significance for the students. They place their books at the feet of Devi seeking wisdom and blessings.

Saraswati Devi puja is performed by offering roli, moli, yellow flowers, gulal, fruits, yellow-coloured sweets (sohanpapdi sweet made with besan).

Shri Krishna is considered Adi Devtaa of this festival, so the festival is celebrated with great fervour in Vrindavan.

People celebrate Basant Panchami by wearing clothes in various shades of yellow colour. This is in keeping with the prevalent colour of nature at this time when yellow sarson flowers and marigold are in bloom.

In the puja room the deities are dressed in yellow colour.

Yellow—coloured sweet rice is made at home.

Deepak is lit.

Aarti of Saraswati Mata is performed.

Aarti karu Saraswati Matu……
Yakundendu tushar haar dhavala……………….

Puja rituals:

# The idol is in white, symbolizing purity. The sari of the Deity is white or yellow dyed in the natural dye made from "Shiuli" flowers.

# The place where the idol is kept for the puja is decorated with Rangoli and the design of a fish is considered auspicious.

# A flat low stool made of wood is covered with yellow cloth and the idol is placed on it, facing East.

# Then, the face of the idol remains covered till the priest begins chanting the mantras at the commencement of the puja.

# A green coconut is placed on an earthen pot with a red checked cotton cloth called "Gamocha".

# The actual puja flowers are used but the most significant is the Palash or flame of the forest and marigold flowers.

# Students place their books and pen in front of the goddess seeking blessings.

# The offerings to the goddess are mainly fruits--most significant are Berries from the wild plum tree. Other fruits include tapioca. Sweets must include puffed rice, jaggery and yogurt.

# Family members bathe early and dress in yellow attire and assemble in front of the Goddess.

# The earthen pot is tied with a string which will be untied only on the next day by the priest before Bisarjan or the immersion ceremony.

# A havanis done by the priest using special wood, ghee, joss sticks and incense.There absence of a burnt smell signifies the success of the puja. A diya or lamp is also kept lit along with the prasad.

# A handful of flowers particularly marigolds and flame of the forest is given to each devotee to offer to the goddess as "pushpanjali". The offering is done in batches of devotees who repeat mantras after the priest.

# Arati is performed by the priest in the morning and again in the evening. This is done while chanting Sanskrit slokas and accompanied by the blowing of conch shells and the beating of drums.

# The lit lamp used during the Arati is passed around for each devotee to warm his/ her hand and touch their heads.

# Nobody touches books on that day. This signifies that the goddess is blessing the books placed in front of her.

Other rituals:

* All devotees take vegetarian food this day to remain pure.

* The smallest girl of the family has to wear a yellow coloured saree as a custom. This ritual is usually observed in Bengal.

* An infant is asked to write for the first time, the alphabets by the priest.It signifies the first step being taken in the acquisition of Knowledge.

* The next day the children take back their books but stand before the goddess and read from them or write in them.

* The string on the earthen pot is untied and it signifies the end of the puja.

* Yogurt, Khoi (puffed rice) and bananas are offered to the goddess as she departs.

* Bisarjan is act of floating/ sinking of the idol in a nearby river or pond.Alternatively the deity remains in the family puja room for a year till the next Saraswati Puja.


Goddess Saraswati is worshiped for spiritual enlightenment, the greatest wealth to man. The goddess is a favorite of religious and spiritual leaders. She encompasses Learning, Wisdom and the Fine Arts. Hindu folklore puts the Learned on a higher pedestal than even the king.

On Vasant Pachami day all get up early in the morning, take bath and worship the sun, Mother Ganga, the Deity of the sacred river Ganges, and the earth. Men, women and girls wear yellow clothes. The yellow color is a sign of auspiciousness and spirituality. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is colored yellow by using saffron. All the folk get together and sing songs connected with spring. Indeed, yellow color is given special importance on this day. The goddess Saraswati is dressed in yellow garments and worshiped by men and women attired in yellow.

In some traditional homes sweetmeats of yellowish hues are exchanged with relatives and friends. Kesari halwa and Kesari sweet rice are the favorites in North India. A dash of saffron is added to the sweetmeats to get a yellow tinge. Many people visit temple to offer halwa or sweet rice to the Gods. Some people feed Brahmanas on this day. Pitri-Tarpan (ancestor worship) is performed on this day and some worship Kamdev, the god of love and The Goddess of Learning

It is customary to begin a child's education on this day. Schools, colleges and other places of learning organize special worship of Saraswati. Many schools and colleges also organize cultural activities. The most significant aspect of this day is that Hindu children are taught reading and writing their first word - as it is considered an auspicious day to begin a child's education. Goddess Saraswati being pure and white and representing learning, no animal sacrifice is made to her. Everyone will have vegetarian meal on this day.

Floral offerings are made in a big scale. Books, articles, instruments of music and arts, earthen inkpots and bamboo quills are placed before her. The ink is made from unboiled milk water, red colour powder and silver glitter called avro. On this day nobody writes or read any books. This signifies that the goddess bless the learners through the books placed in front of her.

Many communities get together and erect special Saraswati Puja sthans for Vasant Panchami. They hold puja and arrange community lunch. Books, musical instruments, and other objects related to the arts and scholarship were placed in front of the goddess to receive her blessings.

In Punjab the festival is called Basant Panchami. Kite flying is popular on this day in North India. The days leading to the festival represent busy times for Kite makers for the usually clear blue skies tend to be filled with kites of all colors.

The Goddess of Knowledge, Saraswati, is especially worshiped in Orissa, Bengal and Bihar. In Orissa with the onset of spring Capital city Bhubaneswar gear itself for celebration of the Vasant Panchami. The festival is celebrated with great fervor in the Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Berhampur, and other major cities of the state.

Similarly in West Bengal Saraswati Puja is celebrated on a large scale. Throughout the state, Saraswati Puja is performed in schools, colleges as well as in homes. In all educational institutions, especially in music, arts and crafts institutions, Saraswati Puja is observed with devotion and reverence.

Saraswati Mantras

Vasant Panchami or Sree Panchami is the best day for writing the Saraswati Beej Mantra on the tongue of your child and making him or her wear a Saraswati Yantra in a silk thread. If not possible on this day then do it on a Monday. Early in the morning get up and have a bath. Wear yellow or saffron robes. Then in a clean room sit with your family members. Before yourself place a picture of Goddess Saraswati, then concentrating on her holy form chant the following Mantras.

Saraswati Mantra 1

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha|
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa||

Translation in English: “May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops; who is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus; who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me. May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance.”

Saraswati Mantra 2

Shuklaam Brahmvichaar Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak
Dhaarinneebhamay Daam Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam.
Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem Paramaasane Sansthitaam Vande Taam
Parameshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam.

Translation in English: I pray to Bhagwati Saraswati who has a fair complexion, who is the first and foremost divine energy, who is present in the world in the form of knowledge, who wields a Veenaa, Vedas, Sfatik rosary in her hands and one of whose hands is raised in blessing. She is capable of removing ignorance and bestowing intelligence.

Saraswati Mantra 3

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
Varadey Kaamarupinee!
Vidhyarambham Karishyami,
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada !

Translation in English: “Oh ! Goddess, Saraswathi, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that thou will bestow Thy blessings on me.”

Saraswati Mantra 4

Saraswati Mahabhage
Vidye Kamalalochane
Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

Translation in English: “O, the great Goddess Saraswati, the lotus-eyed personified knowledge... O, large-eyed Goddess, taking the form of the whole universe, thou shower me with all the powers and glories of all knowledge that exist.”

Saraswati Mantra 5

“Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha”

Significance: This mantra makes a person a learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be recited at all morning pujas.

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